Haas Al Mashani

Wolfgram Law Firm > Haas Al Mashani

Haas Al Mashani Office Manager and Senior Paralegal

Haas Al Mashani is our Senior Paralegal and Office Manager.  Haas is the coordinator for the team.  He is always on top of the current status of the administrative part of your case.  He is also your connection to the court. 

Haas Joined the firm in 2018 and has never looked back.  He loves the law and achieved his Paralegal Certification from the Minnesota Paralegal Association shortly after joining the firm and is our Office Manager.  Haas also brings a world perspective to our firm.  He was raised in Abu Dhabi, UAE and educated in the British National Curriculum.  He understands how important the law is worldwide and takes your rights and case very seriously.

Haas attended Minneapolis College of Art and Design where he studied Fine Art.  He continued his studies, achieving a Bachelor of Science with a focus in health, nutrition, and studio Art graduating from Minnesota State University in 2016.  Haas enjoys the law and you can really tell, he even changed his career field to pursue a career in Law.  He also shares our passion to set ourselves apart by providing a specialized Boutique Law Firm experience where you are not just a case number, but someone that has trusted us, and he always has your best interest in mind.   We are proud to have him part of our team and you will too, another very smart person on your team.

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Wolfgram Law Firm
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Happy Endings: Drug Case

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